The ULTIMATE Guide To Panamá

guidebook for living investing retiring doing business real estate in Panama

          Life in paradise isn’t always easy! In fact, as someone who has been through it all himself, walking off the plane a naive 24 year old to eventually becoming the knowledgable, experienced 33 year old CEO of one of Panamá’s best real estate brokerages, I can tell you from nearly a decade of first hand experience that doing anything in any foreign country comes with an often steep learning curve, and Panamá is no exception.  Since my arrival to the country in 2014, I have for better or worse been forced to learn everything the good old fashioned hard way, often resulting in stress, frustrations, confusion, and a few too many grey hairs. How badly did I wish there was someone I could have spoken to, someone who had been through it all and come out the other side with the knowledge I needed to successfully navigate the process of starting a life (and business) in this absolutely magical corner of the world! How incredible it would have been, had there existed a  COMPLETE  GUIDEBOOK  detailing everything I needed to know about how things work in Panamá, all the do’s and all the don’ts, and all the secrets, tips, and strategies known by the experts who have spent enough time in the country to know it intimately, inside and out.

           Unfortunately there was no such guidebook, and there was nobody to give me all the answers or hold my hand through the countless years of struggles, failures, obstacles, and endless learning. However, as they say: what does not kill us, makes us stronger. Boy, were they right. Nearly a decade later I can say with conviction that my trials and tribulations have provided me with unmatched knowledge and experience regarding all things related to creating a life in Panamá. Whether you’re looking to retire, live part time, invest in some real estate, or start a business I can guarantee you that the money and time spent to gain the knowledge held within this book will literally save you THOUSANDS, UPON THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS not to mention time, stress, confusion, and frustration.

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Put simply, it doesn’t matter if you are just starting to explore your curiosity for life abroad in the tropics, or you’ve already decided you’re moving to Panamá; this guidebook is full of information that YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED TO KNOW in order to enjoy the best of what this beautiful country has to offer, and INSTEAD OF JUST SURVIVING IN PANAMÁ, 


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